All events are held at the Avery-Copp House unless otherwise indicated. Please call (860) 445-1637 or email us to make reservations for these events.
If you would like to be notified in advance about events, please fill out the “Join our Mailing List” form at the bottom of this page.
Sunday, December 15, 3-5 pm
Experience the magic of Christmas past and explore the museum decorated for the holidays as it might have been a century ago.
Sunday, September 22, 4-6 pm
Savor the festive late summer afternoon overlooking the Thames River.
Tuesday, August 13th 10am – 12pm
Or Saturday, August 17th 10am – 12pm
A free children’s program on the shady Avery-Copp House lawn
Tuesday, July 16th 10 am – noon or Saturday, July 20th 10 am – noon
Create your own submarine out of recycled materials.
Thursday, June 27th 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
What to do with your paper treasures?
Saturday, July 27th 3 pm – 5 pm
Indulge in refreshing tea with historic treats.